Gem Revealed Podcast Episode 16: “Ruining Rom-Coms” with Scott Doty – “Crazy, Stupid, Love”

Who doesn’t love snuggling up to watch a romantic comedy? The implausible meet-cutes, the syrupy sweet dialogue, the predictable slapstick moments–what’s not to love?! Enter Janine Monize, Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach, and host of The Gem Revealed Podcast, with a new 4-week miniseries, just in time for your cozy holiday movie nights–“Ruining Rom-Coms!”

What better movie to kick off Episode 1 of “Ruining Rom-Coms” than “Crazy, Stupid, Love” starring Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell and Emma Stone! Joining us to supply the male perspective this week is bilingual father, entrepreneur, & Academic Performance Coach, Scott Doty Scott and Janine laugh their way through some of the most hilarious clips from the movie, then dig into some of the meatier themes, like the importance of physical attraction, the difference confidence makes, and what can make or break a first impression (hint: it’s probably not what you think!)

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